Gomaa, M., Abdel-Aziz, M., Al-Amir, E., Refaey, M. (2023). the Effect of Adding Different Proportions of Retentate and Tomato Juice Extract on the Quality of Labneh. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 14(12), 317-322. doi: 10.21608/jfds.2023.252641.1140
M. S. Gomaa; M. E. Abdel-Aziz; Esraa M. Al-Amir; M. M. M. Refaey. "the Effect of Adding Different Proportions of Retentate and Tomato Juice Extract on the Quality of Labneh". Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 14, 12, 2023, 317-322. doi: 10.21608/jfds.2023.252641.1140
Gomaa, M., Abdel-Aziz, M., Al-Amir, E., Refaey, M. (2023). 'the Effect of Adding Different Proportions of Retentate and Tomato Juice Extract on the Quality of Labneh', Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 14(12), pp. 317-322. doi: 10.21608/jfds.2023.252641.1140
Gomaa, M., Abdel-Aziz, M., Al-Amir, E., Refaey, M. the Effect of Adding Different Proportions of Retentate and Tomato Juice Extract on the Quality of Labneh. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 2023; 14(12): 317-322. doi: 10.21608/jfds.2023.252641.1140
the Effect of Adding Different Proportions of Retentate and Tomato Juice Extract on the Quality of Labneh
Dairy Department, Faculty of Agriculture Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
This study aimed to improve the properties of labneh from skim milk fortified at (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). The best treatment was also selected and supplemented with tomato juice extract in proportions. The aim of fortification with tomato juice extract was to improve the product and increase the nutritional and health value. Properties were determined in fresh and stored. The data showed that the chemical properties increased while the acidity decreased in labneh compared to other treatments. The results showed that the rheological properties including hardness decrease with increasing storage period for all treatments. Microbiological examination of the labneh showed an increase in total bacterial throughout the storage. As for Molds and yeasts, they were not detected in fresh labneh and were detected slightly at the end of the storage. Coliform bacteria were not observed in all treatments. The data showed that the sensory qualities of labneh decrease with increasing storage period. The best treatments in terms of sensory are (Labneh made fresh buffalo’s skim milk without adding milk retentate Labneh made 25% milk retentate and 75% buffalo’s skim milk and Labneh made 50% milk retentate and 50% buffalo’s skim milk for fresh labneh, respectively. In the end, the best treatment was Labneh made 25% milk retentate and 75% buffalo’s skim milk ) compared to the other samples. Sensory tests conducted on labneh made with 25% retentate and fortified with tomato juice showed that labneh fortified with 8% tomato juice was highly similar to the control.